Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Stopping Badware

If you download a free game, a screensaver or a desktop theme, sometimes a hidden program piggybacks on the download. It can cause pop-up ads or change your browser's behavior. It can also record your web surfing, report that information to a marketing group and then deliver targeted ads to you. Programs like these are known as badware. Stop Badware is a "neighborhood watch" group that is fighting badware. Their site explains why badware exists, how to identify it and how to get it off your computer. You can also join their discussion group or subscribe to their mailing list. There's even a place to submit your own badware horror story.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

A New Site for Indie Coffeeshops

A while back I posted a link to the Delocator site where you can search for independent coffee houses by zip code. Well, there's a new player that's just started up. The Indie Coffee Shops site uses Google mapping data to find coffee shops, then get detailed info and directions, too. The main difference with this site is that it will link to the shop's web site. Since it's new, the listings are a little sparse, but there's a form to add shops. I added the excellent Raven Coffeehouse in Port Huron, Michigan and it was posted immediately. The site showed no shops in Syracuse yet, so I'll be adding those soon.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Downloadable Audio Books

On Thursday, September 7, Daveman will demonstrating the new Overdrive downloadable audio books system. The libraries in the county now offer free audiobooks and music that you can download to your home computer or mp3 player. This demonstration will show you how to search the digital catalog and download the books, then transfer them to a portable music player. We'll meet at 10:00 in the Carman Room. No registration necessary.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Daveman Makes the Newspaper

An article appeared in today's Syracuse Post-Standard about the library's downloadable audio books. I got a brief mention because the reporter attended one of my classes. If you get the print version, the local section also contained a photo of me in action. Sixteen people attended my most recent class earlier this week, so there's clearly a lot of interest. For the months of May and June, our patrons downloaded almost 150 books, second only to the main library in Syracuse.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


The Seattle Times reports today that Starbucks will soon be selling books at some of its stores. Two of my favorite things, together again.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Firefox Update

Mozilla has issued an update to its Firefox browser that increases security and stability. To get it, open Firefox, then go to the Help menu. Select Check for Updates Now or Apply Downloaded Update. (Firefox may have downloaded the update in the background, but it hasn't been installed.) After the installation, Firefox will restart and go to a web page confirming the update.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Frederick Kilgour

Frederick Kilgour, the founder of OCLC, has died. He was a leading figure in 20th century librarianship and a proponent of using computer networks to increase access to information in libraries around the world. OCLC has published a press release describing his life and legacy.