Thursday, April 05, 2007


The most recent podcast from Talking with Talis featured an interview with Dan Champion, founder of Revish. Revish, which just went live, is a place where people share their reading experiences. You can use it to keep and share a list of books you're reading, read and write book reviews, find recommendations and participate in discussions with other readers and reviewers. It's a social networking site, but it's different from LibraryThing or Shelfari. It's all about the reviews. By the way, Champion crafted the name from the words "read," "review" and "share."


At 5:26 AM, Blogger Dan said...

Thanks for the mention David. I've had lots of great feedback about Revish, and there's a lot of refinement and new features to come in the next few months. Hope to see you there.


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