Monday, May 07, 2007

Why Not the Worst?

In the December 2006 issue of American Libraries, David Isaacson wrote an editorial titled “Don’t Just Read—Read Good Books,” in which he encourages librarians to recommend quality literature rather than, say, romance novels to patrons. In Sunday's New York Times, author Joe Queenan weighs in with his essay, "Why Not the Worst?" Along with his typical sarcasm, he writes, "Bad books have an important place in our lives, because they keep the brain active. We spend so much time wondering what incredibly dumb thing the author will say a few pages down the road. One caveat: As with bad movies, a book that is merely bad but not exquisitely bad is a waste of time, while a genuinely terrible book is a sheer delight." Whether you agree or not, he makes some interesting points. Free registration is required to read the article.


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