Tuesday, June 24, 2008


"Hi, Mr. Librarian!!!" Joshua called out as he came in the children's room, "May I please have a computer pass?"

Coincidentally, I had just finished reading this article: 'Guybrarians' - An Overdue Phenomenon at Many Libraries, and a Fine Career Choice, that explains why the stereotype of the frumpy female librarian is fading away. It's becoming more common to see men librarians. Almost half of my MLS class at Syracuse was made up of men. Some of the heavy hitters in library tech are men; Michael Stephens, John Blyberg, Steven Cohen, Casey Bisson, Marshall Shore.

By the way, there was a problem with the game Joshua wanted to play, but it was easy to fix. He thanked me and told his mother, "Whenever you need help, be sure to ask Mr. Librarian!"


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